Lady Katherine

The Most Hilarious Joke Book Ever: Clean Joke Book For The Whole Family (1000+ Jokes)

Joke Book Vol 1 3D Book Cover
"This Joke Book Is Hilarious! A Must Have Book To Make Your Day Happier."

Kindle eBook: $9.99

Keeping your brain healthy is as important as keeping your body healthy. And reading jokes helps keep your brain healthy. Scientific studies found that reading humor: exercises both sides of your brain improves your quick-thinking skills, improves your logical thinking, improves your focus and concentration, improves your memory and recall, improves your creativity, and improves your IQ (Intelligence Quotient) Score for an overall healthy brain.

Scientific studies also found that laughter from jokes: stimulates your organs due to an increase in oxygen intake, relaxes your muscle, improves cardiac health due to a rise in heart rate and oxygen level, helps lower blood pressure, decrease pain due to an increase in endorphins, helps with weight loss due to the decrease of stress hormone production, and helps boost the immune system through the adoption of a positive mindset that releases infection-fighting antibodies and neuropeptides for an overall healthy body.

And scientific studies found that reading a joke book; helps decrease your anxiety and stress level, promotes a healthy mindset, gives you a sense of belonging, promotes socialization, and promotes your sense of well-being for a healthy overall you.

So go ahead and enjoy reading these 1000+ jokes to keep your brain and body healthy for overall health.