Lady Katherine

Children's Gratitude Journal (Vol. 1): Prompt Guided Journal For Children To Help Them Practice Gratitude Or Gratefulness

"My Son & Daughter Loves This Children's Gratitude Journal!" I Highly Recommend It.

Paperback: $9.99

Are you looking for a Children’s Gratitude Journal to help your children practice gratitude? You are in luck because this Children’s Gratitude Journal will help guide you and your children. All you have to do is follow each prompt found inside this journal.

Gratitude is when one shows an expression of appreciation for what one has. It is self-awareness and self-acknowledgment of the values of what one has apart from monetary value. And practicing gratitude has many mental and physical benefits for children, which is crucial for healthy psychological and physical well-being. One way to practice gratitude for children is to write in a journal of what they are grateful for in their life.

And scientific studies found that children who do gratitude journaling:

  • have increased levels of positive emotions such as love, enthusiasm, happiness, optimism, etc.
  • have less stress
  • have better ability to cope with stress
  • have improved resilience
  • have reduced depression
  • have fewer physical problems
  • have less pain
  • have better sleep
  • are kinder and more generous to others
  • have better self-esteem and self-worth
  • and have a better overall feeling of well-being

So, don’t wait and buy this Children’s Gratitude Journal Now! And start practicing gratitude with your children and live a much healthier, happier, anxiety-free, and stress-free life.

The Wonderful World Of Children’s Inspirational Creative Writing Prompt Journal

Paperback: $9.99

Creativity is a way for children to exercise their imagination and do self-expression. And having children learn to think and write creatively helps them think in novel ways, which is an essential building block for success in education, career, and daily life. Other benefits of creative writing for children also include empathy and emotional intelligence development, self-confidence and self-expression builder, interpersonal connection builder, research and problem-solving skills development, communication building, etc.

And by using this, The Wonderful World Of Children’s Inspirational Creative Writing Prompt Journal motivates and stimulates your Child’s wildest imagination and creativity. This Children’s Creative Journal; will assist your Child in writing creatively by following each prompt in this journal, which is an essential building block for success in your Child’s Life.

So, do not wait and start using this The Wonderful World Of Children’s Inspirational Creative Writing Prompt Journal, Now! To help your Child learn how to think and write creatively to build a successful life.